Just about everyone who has studied political science has been asked this question. Political science is the study of governments, public policies, political processes, and political behavior. It looks at the structures and functions of government as well as who gets what, when, and how. Political scientists use both humanistic and scientific perspectives to examine the process, systems, and political dynamics of all countries and regions of the world. Major branches include political theory, comparative government, American government and politics, public administration, international relations and political behavior.

 Here are just a few of the many reasons why the study of political science is advantageous:

  1. We live in a representative democracy in which political knowledge is fundamental to fulfilling one's responsibilities and duties as a citizen. Every citizen has a responsibility to know how government works, to understand political issues, and hold public officials accountable.
  2. Political science helps students to develop reasoning and analytic skills and build competence in oral and written expression, skills that are useful in almost any profession.
  3. There are many careers for which an extensive training in political science is extremely beneficial. This is particularly true for those planning careers in fields which seek to monitor the political process or to influence the content of public policy:
  • National, state and local government
  • Campaign Management and Polling
  • Business
  • Foreign affairs
  • Journalism
  • Education
  • Legal profession
  • Public Advocacy
  • Public Relations
  • International Organizations
  • Nonprofit Associations and Organizations

 If you take courses in political science, you will:

  • Attain a better understanding of liberty, freedom, justice, and political power
  • Learn about the political events that affect our country and the world
  • Study how our society and others make political decisions
  • Understand the challenges that are inherent in developing public policy
  • Gain an appreciation for the fundamental ideas and choices that must be understood and addressed for any society and its citizens to achieve success
  • Develop positions and viewpoints about human relations and the way our society and other societies should be

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